Thursday, May 29, 2008

Expert Oracle9i Database Administration

This is the only real hotel databases Oracle9i book on the market! This 1000 + page book provides a beginner or intermediate level or Oracle DBA Oracle Developer / manager to master the art of construction and management of databases Oracle9i.

Expert Oracle9i Database Administration is thorough, covering all aspects of the 9i database, and includes a first UNIX as well as an introduction to SQL and PL / SQL. Author Saturday Alapati covers the entire spectrum of new software RDBMS Oracle9i and explains clearly how to use all its powerful features.

Currently, there is not a book that includes the necessary hotel UNIX, Windows NT management, and SQL origins and principles of the hotel database. This book fills this gap by providing all the necessary equipment in a single volume.

It takes several courses, and mastering several manuals Oracle to become a competent administrator. Readers will be able to become expert DBAs Oracle using this book. Expert Oracle9i Database Administration is designed to be the most comprehensive database Oracle9i text available today.

Download Expert Oracle9i Database Administration

Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak Table

Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak table eleven world-renowned industry experts proffering their own point of view very experienced, entry, and insights on Oracle where he was, wherever he goes, how (and how not) to use successfully, the software and techniques they have put in place to help people achieve their objectives, and some frightening tales of what can happen when the fundamental design principles are ignored.

The co-authors have solved many problems of the worst performance of Oracle in the world, and they have saved at least one each sentenced flagship project. For many years, they have been sharing their unique knowledge with each other at conferences around the OakTable, and in cafes, restaurants and bars on five continents. Now they want to share their key ideas with you.

A central feature of this book focuses on how you can avoid mistakes and debilitating during the construction of Oracle software projects. From these stories, you discover the simple steps to help you avoid real pain on your next (or current) Oracle project.

Since 1992, Oracle introduced a new way of extracting detailed information on response time of a database: SQL extended the mechanism trace. In 1995, I began to learn much more about this feature when my colleagues at Oracle Corporation, used to eliminate the guesswork Oracle performance improvement projects. The magic of this new extended SQL trace feature is that it has led analysts to predict the exact response time impact of a change in the proposed system. At the time, this predictive capability was revolutionary. The predictability and the concept of "fully informed decision" was the basis of my career since then.

In 1999, I left the company Oracle to work full time creating a new method for improving the performance I was hoping that exceed by far the reliability and accuracy of traditional methods of Oracle. In our book, Oracle Performance Optimization (Millsap and Holt, O'Reilly & Associates, 2003), Jeff Holt and myself have published the full technical details of our new method and extent SQL trace tool itself. Here, I describe the story behind Oracle SQL extended capacity to trace its history, the people who contributed to the development, and how and why you might consider using it.

Download Oracle Insights: Tales of the Oak Table

Pro Oracle Spatial

With growing reliance on spatial components for making critical and strategic decisions, there is great incentive to maximize the added value of spatial data. Enter: Pro Oracle Spatial. This highly anticipated book examines the potential for organizations to exploit spatial information by way of Oracle Spatial.

Included are case studies of advanced spatial applications in healthcare, telecom, retail, and distribution industries. Further, the content is based on extensive feedback from training courses, discussion lists, and customers. This talented author team will also suggest best-practice approaches to common problems.

The Advanced Spatial Engine has several subcomponents that cater to the complex analysis and manipulation of spatial data that is required in traditional GIS applications. Internally, each of these additional components uses the underlying geometry data type and index and geometry engine functionality.

The Network Data Model provides a data model for storing networks inside the Oracle database. Network elements (links and nodes) can be associated with costs and limits, for example, to model speed limits for road segments. Other functionality includes computation of the shortest path between two locations given a network of road segments, finding the N nearest nodes, and so on. The network data model is useful in routing applications. Typical routing applications include web services such as MapQuest and Yahoo! Maps, or navigation applications for roaming users using GPS technology. We cover more details about this component in Chapter 10.

The Linear Referencing System (LRS) facilitates the translation of mile-markers on a highway (or any other linear feature) to geographic coordinate space and vice versa. This component allows users to address different segments of a linear geometry, such as a highway, without actually referring to the coordinates of the segment. This functionality is useful in transportation and utility applications, such as gas pipeline management.

The Spatial Analysis and Mining Engine provides basic functionality for combining demographic and spatial analysis. This functionality is useful in identifying prospective sites for starting new stores based on customer density and income. These tools can also be used to materialize the influence of the neighborhood, which in turn can be used in improving the efficacy and predictive power of the Oracle Data Mining Engine.

GeoRaster facilitates the storage and retrieval of georeferenced images using their spatial footprints and the associated metadata. GeoRaster defines a new data type for storing raster images of geographically referenced objects. This functionality is useful in the management of satellite imagery.

The Topology Data Model supports detailed analysis and manipulation of spatial geometry data using finer topological elements such as nodes and edges. In some land-management applications, geometries share boundaries, as in the case of a property boundary and the road on which the property is situated. Oracle Spatial defines a new data type to represent topological elements (such as the shared “road segment”) that can be shared between different spatial objects. Updates to shared elements implicitly define updates to the sharing geometry objects. In general, this component allows for the editing and manipulation of nodes and edges without disturbing the topological semantics of the application.

Download Pro Oracle Spatial

PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA

The newest addition to the series OakTable press, PeopleSoft to Oracle DBA, you teach a variety of techniques to maintain a system PeopleSoft. You will then be able to implement techniques such as indexing, the implementation DDL, managing tablespaces, and fixing low-performing SQL. Author, Kurtz, is an expert and, therefore, provides answers to questions that arise when using PeopleSoft on an Oracle database.

Kurtz's book begins with an architecture overview, then proceeded to BEA Tuxedo, PeopleSoft server applications. Kurtz smooth transitions between chapters that follow, explaining the structures database, connectivity, keys and indexing, PeopleSoft DDL, and tables. Kurtz gives appropriate weight to subjects as well as diagrams, performance measures, monitoring the performance of public services and optimization techniques SQL. And the final chapters provide valuable clues, advanced information on Tuxedo.

PeopleSoft is packaged business application software for large enterprises. This chapter provides an introduction and overview of PeopleSoft, its technology and history. We will take a very high level to discuss some of the major parties that make up today PeopleSoft systems, namely the database (in this case Oracle) that stores application data PeopleSoft and a large part of application code, Tuxedo Application Server, and PeopleTools the integrated development environment, which is used for most aspects of development and administration of PeopleSoft.

We will then pass the overall architecture of a PeopleSoft system and see how it has evolved in the first client / server architecture to the modern world four-tier Internet architecture. Finally, we'll take a look at what all this means for the database administrator (DBA) to maintain a PeopleSoft application, and we will consider the implications it has on relations between developers and database administrators on PeopleSoft. This introduction will bring some of the chapters in their context.

Download PeopleSoft for the Oracle DBA

Expert Oracle JDBC Programming

JDBC is the most commonly used in the Java API to access and manipulate data in a database. Oracle is one of the most popular and scalable databases in the world. This book is a must for any developer to build an application that uses JDBC on the Oracle database. Unlike other books JDBC, this book was written to complement not rehash the contents of Oracle JDBC documentation and specifications JDBC.

The book teaches you not only how to write code JDBC, but how to write effective code JDBC in a step-by-step fashion. This book does not assume any prior knowledge of JDBC unless it requires a basic knowledge of SQL and PL / SQL. It covers JDBC with a focus on writing high performance, scalable and secure applications for Oracle 9i and 10g. The use of this book, you learn, among other things:

How effectively request, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE data using JDBC

How to exploit the knowledge of Oracle fundamental in creating applications

What levels of transaction isolation, which supports those of Oracle and how to write your transactions effectively on Oracle

How to use proxy authentication to make your programs more secure

How to use Oracle objects and collections effectively in your applications

How to deal with the phenomenon of "loss of updates" using alternative optimistic and pessimistic locking strageties

How to exploit statement caching and connection pool to increase performance and scalability of your application

Download Expert Oracle JDBC Programming

Expert Oracle Database 10g Administration

It is a single volume guide to the administration and management of the Oracle database. Completely revised and updated his best-seller 9i predecessor, this edition covers all new features, fully tested on the ground examples-and not only showcase examples.

This book touches on the new 10g management and performance tools and provides primers on Unix, Linux and Windows NT and administration based on SQL and PL / SQL programming techniques. And it offers anything new and aspring Oracle DBA must build and admisiter complex databases Oracle 10g.

In the first three chapters, I have prepared the ground to work with Oracle. It is time now to learn more about the fundamental structures of Oracle database 10g. Oracle uses a set of structures called logic blocks of data, measurements, segments and tablespaces that its constituent elements. Oracle physical database structure includes data files and related files. Oracle memory structures and a set of processes are the Oracle database example, and are actually responsible for all the work for you in the database.

To understand how the Oracle database work, you must understand several concepts, including transaction processing, backup and recovery, undo and redo data, optimizing SQL, and the importance of data dictionary . Oracle key features include the recovery manager, SQL * Plus and ISQL * Plus, Oracle Backup, Oracle (employment) Scheduler functionality, database Resource Manager, and Oracle Enterprise Manager management tool. This chapter gives an overview of the importance Oracle automatic management functions, and the sophistication built-in performance tuning features, including new automatic deposit of the workload, the database diagnostic automatic Monitor, and Councillor-based management framework.

Before you delve deeply into the logic and physical structures that constitute an Oracle database, however, we must be clear on a fundamental concept of the difference between an example Oracle and an Oracle database. It is very common for people to use the terms interchangeably, but they refer to different things altogether.

An Oracle database consists of files, both the Oracle data files and system files. These files by themselves are useless unless you can not interact with them in some way, which requires using the operating system, which provides processing capabilities and resources, such as memory, for you allow to manipulate the data on hard drives. When you combine all processes created by Oracle on the server with the memory allocated to it by the operating system, you get the example Oracle.

You'll often hear people pointing out that the database is in place, although what they mean is that the forum is increasing. "The database itself in the form a set of physical files is composed of, is of no use if the department is not up and running. The department carries out all work necessary for the database.

Downlaod Expert Oracle Database 10g Administration

Expert Oracle Database Architecture: 9i and 10g Programming Techniques and Solutions

This is a defining book on the Oracle database for any developer or DBA who works with Oracle-driven database applications. Tom has a simple philosophy: you can treat Oracle as a black box and just stick data into it or you can understand how it works and exploit it as a powerful computing environment.

If you choose the latter, then you will find that there are few information management problems that you cannot solve quickly and elegantly.

Expert Oracle Database Architecture is the first of a three-book series that completely explores and defines the Oracle database. It covers all of the most important Oracle architecture features, including:

Files, memory structures and processes
Locking and latching
Transactions, concurrency and multi-versioning
Tables and Indexes
Partitioning and parallelism

Each feature is taught in a proof-by-example manner, not only discussing what it is, but also how it works, how to implement software using it, and the common pitfalls associated with it.

In summary, this book provides a one-stop resource containing deep wisdom on the design, development and administration of Oracle applications, written by one of the world’s foremost Oracle experts, Thomas Kyte.

Oracle is designed to be a very portable database; it is available on every platform of relevance, from Windows to UNIX to mainframes. For this reason, the physical architecture of Oracle looks different on different operating systems. For example, on a UNIX operating system, you will see Oracle implemented as many different operating system processes, with virtually a process per major function.

On UNIX, this is the correct implementation, as it works on a multiprocess foundation. On Windows, however, this architecture would be inappropriate and would not work very well (it would be slow and nonscaleable).

On the Windows platform, Oracle is implemented as a single, threaded process.

On IBM mainframe systems, running OS/390 and z/OS, the Oracle operating system-specific architecture exploits multiple OS/390 address spaces, all operating as a single Oracle instance. Up to 255 address spaces can be configured for a single database instance.

Moreover, Oracle works together with OS/390 Workload Manager (WLM) to establish execution priority of specific Oracle workloads relative to each other and relative to all other work in the OS/390 system. Even though the physical mechanisms used to implement Oracle from platform to platform vary, the architecture is sufficiently generalized so that you can get a good understanding of how Oracle works on all platforms.

In this chapter, I present a broad picture of this architecture. We’ll examine the Oracle server and define some terms such as “database” and “instance” (terms that always seem to cause confusion). We’ll take a look at what happens when we “connect” to Oracle and, at a high level, how the server manages memory. In the subsequent three chapters, we’ll look in detail at the three major components of the Oracle architecture:

Chapter 3 covers files. In this chapter, we’ll look at the set of five general categories of files that make up the database: parameter, data, temp, control, and redo log files. We’ll also cover other types of files, including trace, alert, dump (DMP), data pump, and simple flat files. We’ll look at the Oracle 10g new file area called the Flashback Recovery Area, and we’ll also discuss the impact that Automatic Storage Management (ASM) has on our file storage.

Chapter 4 covers the Oracle memory structures referred to as the System Global Area (SGA), Process Global Area (PGA), and User Global Area (UGA). We’ll examine the relationships between these structures, and we’ll also discuss the shared pool, large pool, Java pool, and various other SGA components.

Chapter 5 covers Oracle’s physical processes or threads. We’ll look at the three different types of processes that will be running on the database: server processes, background processes, and slave processes.

It was hard to decide which of these components to cover first. The processes use the SGA, so discussing the SGA before the processes might not make sense. On the other hand, when discussing the processes and what they do, I’ll need to make references to the SGA. These two components are closely tied: the files are acted on by the processes and would not make sense without first understanding what the processes do.

What I will do, then, in this chapter is define some terms and give a general overview of what Oracle looks like (if you were to draw it on a whiteboard). You’ll then be ready to delve into some of the details.

Download Expert Oracle Database Architecture: 9i and 10g Programming Techniques and Solutions

Building Oracle XML Applications

This rich and detailed research into many Oracle tools that support the development shows XML Java and PL / SQL developers how to combine the power of XML and XSLT with speed, functionality and reliability of the Oracle database.

The nearly 800 pages of text fun, useful and time-saving tips, and examples can be utilized immediately to build custom applications XML. Includes a CD-ROM with 3.1 JDeveloper, an integrated development environment for Java developers.

We used XSLT stylesheets in previous chapters to transform XML database in HTML pages, XML datagrams a vocabulary, SQL scripts, e-mails, and so forth. If you're a developer trying to exploit your database up to the Web, you will see that XSLT is the swiss army knife that you want permanently attached to your belt. In a world where the exchange of structured information is essential to your success, and where the ability to evolve quickly and repurpose information is paramount, Oracle XML developers who understand how to exploit XSLT are well ahead of the pack.

W3C XSLT 1.0 is the standard language to describe the transformations between XML documents. It is closely aligned with the companion XPath 1.0 standard and works in concert with it. As we see in this chapter, XPath can say what to transform, and XSLT provides additional language describing how to carry out the transformation. A XSLT stylesheet describes a set of rules to transform an XML document source XML result. A XSLT processor is the software that performs processing on the basis of these rules.

In simple examples in previous chapters, we saw three ways to use the Oracle database XSLT processor. We used the oraxsl command-line utility, the XSLT processor programming API, and instruction involving a stylesheet with a XSQL page. In this chapter we begin to explore the power of language XSLT to understand how best to use it in our applications.

Download Building Oracle XML Applications

JDBC Pocket Reference

JDBC Pocket reference offer quick look-ups for all methods of the standard JDBC classes. These comments concise common procedures for JDBC tasks such as connecting to a database, execute stored procedures, DDL execution and so forth.

You'll find documentation for the connection string formats for most common databases, including Oracle, SQL Server and PostgreSQL. You'll even find information on working with large objects, and the use of SQL99 data defined by the user to work with the object relational data. The search for such equipment by major tutorials is frustrating and a waste of time, but this pocket-sized book is easy to be done and find the information you need at a glance.

Defined by the user data types (UDTS) bring the world of objectorientation to relational databases. Use UDTS, you can create an object relational database, or objectbase, in which an object model can be directly implemented in the persistence layer. To store and retrieve UDTS, you can manipulate the structures and SQL tables (which I will not be shown here), or you can define Java classes that are mapped to the UDTS SQL, then you use to materialize ' UDTS Java program.

The Java classes that will be used to materialize a UDT need to implement the SQLData interface. Most databases that support UDTS also provide a tool to generate Java classes that implement SQLData. Implementation of SQLData interface consists of three coding methods. The first, getSQLTypeName () must return the full name of the UDT, as it exists in the database. The second, readSQL (), read your attributes class SQLInput a stream in the order in which they exist in the UDT. The third, writeSQL (), writes the values of your class attributes on the SQLOutput flows in order of output in the UDT.

Download JDBC Pocket Reference

Mastering Oracle SQL, Second Edition

Updated to cover Oracle 10g, this edition of the highly regarded Mastering Oracle SQL has a stronger focus on practical, expert best-practices and on Oracle-specific SQL technique than any other book on the market. For those who want to harness the untapped (and often overlooked) power of Oracle SQL, this essential guide for putting Oracle SQL to work will prove invaluable.

There are situations when we need to combine the results from two or more SELECT statements. SQL enables us to handle these requirements by using set operations. The result of each SELECT statement can be treated as a set, and SQL set operations can be applied on those sets to arrive at a final result. Oracle SQL supports the following four set operations:


SQL statements containing these set operators are referred to as compound queries, and each SELECT statement in a compound query is referred to as a component query. Two SELECTs can be combined into a compound query by a set operation only if they satisfy the following two conditions:

The result sets of both the queries must have the same number of columns.
The data type of each column in the second result set must match the data type of its corresponding column in the first result set.
These conditions are also referred to as union compatibility conditions. The term union compatibility is used even though these conditions apply to other set operations as well. Set operations are often called vertical joins, because the result combines data from two or more SELECTS based on columns instead of rows. The generic syntax of a query involving a set operation is:

component_query {UNION UNION ALL MINUS INTERSECT} component_query

The keywords UNION, UNION ALL, MINUS, and INTERSECT are set operators. You can have more than two component queries in a composite query; you will always use one less set operator than the number of component queries.

There is an exception to the second union compatibility condition. Two data types do not need to be the same if they are in the same data type group. By data type group, we mean the general categories such as numbers, strings, and datetimes. For example, it is ok to have a column in the first component query of data type CHAR, that corresponds to a VARCHAR2 column in the second component query (or vice versa). Oracle performs implicit type conversion in such a case.

However, Oracle will not perform implicit type conversion if corresponding columns in the component queries belong to different data type groups. For example, if a column in the first component query is of data type DATE, and the corresponding column in the second component query is of data type CHAR, Oracle will not perform implicit conversion, and you will get an error as a result of violation of data type compatibility. This is illustrated in the following example:

SELECT TO_DATE('12-OCT-03') FROM DUAL UNION SELECT '13-OCT-03' FROM DUAL; SELECT TO_DATE('12-OCT-03') FROM DUAL * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01790: expression must have same datatype as corresponding expression

The following sections discuss syntax, examples, rules, and restrictions for the four set operations.

Downlaod Mastering Oracle SQL, Second Edition

An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers

Most application developers underestimate the risk of SQL injection attacks against Web applications using Oracle as the back-end database. Our audits of custom web applications show many application developers are not fully understand the risk of attacks by SQL injection and simple techniques used to prevent such attacks.

This document is intended for application developers, database administrators, and application of listeners to highlight the risk of attacks by SQL injection and demonstrate why web applications are vulnerable May. It is not intended to be a tutorial on the execution of SQL attacks and not give instructions on carrying out these attacks.

SQL Injection is an attack base is used to obtain unauthorized access to a database or to obtain information directly from the database. The principles underlying a SQL injection are simple and these types of attacks are easy to perform and master.

We believe that Web applications using Oracle as a back-end database are more vulnerable to attacks by SQL injection that most believe that application developers. Our application audits have found numerous web applications vulnerable to SQL injection even if well-established coding standards have been established during the development of many of these applications. Function-based SQL injection attacks are very worrying, because these attacks do not require knowledge of the application and can be easily automated.

Oracle has generally faired, and attacks against SQL injection because there is no support multiple SQL (SQL Server and PostgreSQL), no statement EXECUTION (SQL Server), and no function INTO OUTFILE (MySQL). Also, using bind variables in Oracle environments for performance reasons provides the most effective protection against attacks by Oracle SQL injection May provide stronger and more inherent protections against attacks by SQL injection than other bases data, however, Oracle-based applications without defenses against these types of attacks may still be vulnerable.

Download An Introduction to SQL Injection Attacks for Oracle Developers

Introduction to Oracle 10g R1 on SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3

This paper is designed to help you get started with Oracle 10g on SUSE LINUX 9.3. This will help you to work on latest SUSE OS and latest Oracle Database 10g from Oracle.

Oracle 10g is supported and certified only on SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server (SLES) but occasionally for development and testing purposes you will prefer to have it up and running on your desktop for quick access. Instruction provided here will also work on SUSE LINUX 9.2.

Install SUSE LINUX Operating System
Follow the Installation instructions provided in the SUSE LINUX 9.3 installation manual. We will focus on Oracle related component and make sure you meet Oracle software space requirement. SUSE LINUX 9.3 with default packages along with “C/C++ Compiler and Tools” is sufficient for Oracle 10g R1 ( install. Here is snap-shot from my system.
Check whether C/C++ compiler is installed. “gcc –version” will show “gcc (GCC) 3.3.3 (SUSE LINUX)”. If gcc is not installed, then use YaST setup tool to install “C/C++ Compiler and Tools”.

Oracle Install prerequisites
Refer to Oracle installation document for complete list of prerequisites. Novell/SUSE provides orarun packages to automate most of the Oracle preinstall task. orarun package is not included in SUSE LINUX 9.3 as this is for SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server.

Download Introduction to Oracle 10g R1 on SUSE LINUX Professional 9.3

Oracle/SQL Tutorial

The Oracle / SQL tutorial provides a detailed introduction to the language of SQL and Oracle Relational Database Management System. For more information about Oracle and SQL can be found on the website / dbs.

Many tasks of data management, however, occur in engineering applications and sophisticated these tasks are too complex to be dealt with by such an interactive tool. Typically, the data are produced and handled calculation in the complex application programs that are written in a third-generation language (3GL) and which, therefore, need an interface with the database system. In addition, a majority of existing data-intensive engineering applications are written previously using a programming language imperative and now we want to use the functionality of a database system, which requires an easy to use l 'programming interface to the database system. Such an interface is provided in the form Embedded SQL, SQL integration in various programming languages such as C, C + +, Cobol, Fortran etc. Embedded SQL provides programmers implementing an appropriate way to combine the power of calculating a programming language with data manipulation and management capabilities of the declarative language SQL.

Since all these interfaces have comparable features in the following situations, we describe the integration of SQL in the programming language C. For this, we base our discussion on the Oracle interface to C, called Pro * C. The emphasis in this section is placed on the description of the interface, not on the introduction of the programming language C.

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PL/SQL User’s Guide and Reference 10g

The PL/SQL language is tightly integrated with SQL. You do not have to translate between SQL and PL/SQL datatypes: a NUMBER or VARCHAR2 column in the database is stored in a NUMBER or VARCHAR2 variable in PL/SQL.

This integration saves you both learning time and processing time. Special PL/SQL language features let you work with table columns and rows without specifying the datatypes, saving on maintenance work when the table definitions change.

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Oracle XML DB Developer’s Guide 10g

Oracle XML DB provides high-performance storage and retrieval of XML. It extends Oracle Database, by delivering the functionality associated with both a native XML database and a relational database. It include the following features:

Supports the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) XML and XML Schema data models and provides standard access methods for navigating and querying XML. It absorbs these data models into Oracle Database.

Lets you store, query, update, transform, or otherwise process XML, while at the same time provides SQL access to the same XML data. Similarly it allows XML operations on SQL data.

Includes a simple, light-weight XML repository that allows XML content to be organized and managed using a file/folder/URL metaphor.

Provides a storage-independent, content-independent and programming-language-independent infrastructure for storing and managing XML data. It delivers new methods for navigating and querying XML content stored in the database. For example, Oracle XML DB XML repository facilitates this by managing XML document hierarchies.

Provides industry-standard methods for accessing and updating XML, including W3C XPath recommendation and the ISO-ANSI SQL/XML standard. FTP, HTTP, and WebDAV support make it possible to move XML-content in and out of Oracle Database. Industry-standard APIs allow for programmatic access and manipulation of XML content using Java, C, and PL/SQL.

XML-specific memory management and optimizations.

Enterprise-level Oracle Database features, such as reliability, availability, scalability, and unbreakable security for XML content.

Download Oracle XML DB Developer’s Guide 10g

Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts 10g

The IT systems of today are growing more complex with each iteration of new technology. It is not unheard of to have 2,600 instances to manage. These instances can be as close as next door or on the other side of the world.

By using Enterprise Manager, you can:

1- Extract the information needed for critical and timely decisions.
2- Manage the extraordinary number of systems in an efficient manner.
3- In conjunction with virus protection software, prevent viruses and worms from attacking your system.
4- Manage your ecosystem, that is, your Oracle platform and all your third-party software, including your storage systems, hosts, routers, and so on.
5- Reduce your hardware and labor costs, that is, manage thousands of systems as if they were one.

Download Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts 10g

Oracle Database SQL Reference 10g

Dr. E. F. Codd published the paper, ‘A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks’, in June 1970 in the Association of Computer Machinery (ACM) journal, Communications of the ACM.

Codd’s model is now accepted as the definitive model for relational database management systems (RDBMS). The language, Structured English Query Language (SEQUEL) was developed by IBM Corporation, Inc., to use Codd’s model. SEQUEL later became SQL (still pronounced ’sequel’). In 1979, Relational Software, Inc. (now Oracle) introduced the first commercially available implementation of SQL. Today, SQL is accepted as the standard RDBMS language.

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Oracle Database JDBC Developer’s Guide and Reference 10g

JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) is a standard Java interface for connecting fromJava to relational databases. The JDBC standard was defined by Sun Microsystems,allowing individual providers to implement and extend the standard with their own JDBC drivers.

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Oracle Database Java Developer’s Guide 10g

This section covers some basic terminology of Java application development in the Oracle Database environment. The terms should be familiar to experienced Java programmers.

A detailed discussion of object-oriented programming or of the Java language is beyond the scope of this book. Many texts, in addition to the complete language specification, are available at your bookstore and on the Internet. See ‘Suggested Reading’ in the Preface for pointers to reference materials and for places to find Java-related information on the Internet.

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Oracle Database Data Warehousing Guide 10g

A data warehouse is a relational database that is designed for query and analysis rather than for transaction processing. It usually contains historical data derived from transaction data, but can include data from other sources.

Data warehouses separate analysis workload from transaction workload and enable an organization to consolidate data from several sources.

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Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator’s Guide 10g

To increase efficiency and lower costs, companies adopt strategies to automate business processes. One such strategy is to conduct more business on the Web, but that requires greater computing power, translating to higher IT costs.

In response to rising IT costs, more and more businesses are considering enterprise grid computing architectures where inexpensive computers act as one powerful machine. While such strategies improve the bottom line, they introduce risks, which are associated with securing data in motion and managing an ever increasing number of user identities.

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Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer’s Guide 10g

Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) is an Application Programming Interface (API) that provides C++ applications access to data in an Oracle database. OCCI enables C++ programmers to utilize the full range of Oracle database operations, including SQL statement processing and object manipulation.

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The Underground PHP and Oracle Manual

This book is aimed at PHP developers who are developing applications against an Oracle database. You may already be using another database and have a requirement or a preference to move to Oracle. You may be starting out with PHP database development. You may be unsure how to install PHP and Oracle. This book aims to remove any confusion.

This book is not a complete PHP or Oracle guide. It is assumed that you already have basic PHP and SQL knowledge and want best practices in using PHP against an Oracle database.

Download The Underground PHP and Oracle Manual