Thursday, May 29, 2008

Expert Oracle Database 10g Administration

It is a single volume guide to the administration and management of the Oracle database. Completely revised and updated his best-seller 9i predecessor, this edition covers all new features, fully tested on the ground examples-and not only showcase examples.

This book touches on the new 10g management and performance tools and provides primers on Unix, Linux and Windows NT and administration based on SQL and PL / SQL programming techniques. And it offers anything new and aspring Oracle DBA must build and admisiter complex databases Oracle 10g.

In the first three chapters, I have prepared the ground to work with Oracle. It is time now to learn more about the fundamental structures of Oracle database 10g. Oracle uses a set of structures called logic blocks of data, measurements, segments and tablespaces that its constituent elements. Oracle physical database structure includes data files and related files. Oracle memory structures and a set of processes are the Oracle database example, and are actually responsible for all the work for you in the database.

To understand how the Oracle database work, you must understand several concepts, including transaction processing, backup and recovery, undo and redo data, optimizing SQL, and the importance of data dictionary . Oracle key features include the recovery manager, SQL * Plus and ISQL * Plus, Oracle Backup, Oracle (employment) Scheduler functionality, database Resource Manager, and Oracle Enterprise Manager management tool. This chapter gives an overview of the importance Oracle automatic management functions, and the sophistication built-in performance tuning features, including new automatic deposit of the workload, the database diagnostic automatic Monitor, and Councillor-based management framework.

Before you delve deeply into the logic and physical structures that constitute an Oracle database, however, we must be clear on a fundamental concept of the difference between an example Oracle and an Oracle database. It is very common for people to use the terms interchangeably, but they refer to different things altogether.

An Oracle database consists of files, both the Oracle data files and system files. These files by themselves are useless unless you can not interact with them in some way, which requires using the operating system, which provides processing capabilities and resources, such as memory, for you allow to manipulate the data on hard drives. When you combine all processes created by Oracle on the server with the memory allocated to it by the operating system, you get the example Oracle.

You'll often hear people pointing out that the database is in place, although what they mean is that the forum is increasing. "The database itself in the form a set of physical files is composed of, is of no use if the department is not up and running. The department carries out all work necessary for the database.

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