Thursday, May 29, 2008

JDBC Pocket Reference

JDBC Pocket reference offer quick look-ups for all methods of the standard JDBC classes. These comments concise common procedures for JDBC tasks such as connecting to a database, execute stored procedures, DDL execution and so forth.

You'll find documentation for the connection string formats for most common databases, including Oracle, SQL Server and PostgreSQL. You'll even find information on working with large objects, and the use of SQL99 data defined by the user to work with the object relational data. The search for such equipment by major tutorials is frustrating and a waste of time, but this pocket-sized book is easy to be done and find the information you need at a glance.

Defined by the user data types (UDTS) bring the world of objectorientation to relational databases. Use UDTS, you can create an object relational database, or objectbase, in which an object model can be directly implemented in the persistence layer. To store and retrieve UDTS, you can manipulate the structures and SQL tables (which I will not be shown here), or you can define Java classes that are mapped to the UDTS SQL, then you use to materialize ' UDTS Java program.

The Java classes that will be used to materialize a UDT need to implement the SQLData interface. Most databases that support UDTS also provide a tool to generate Java classes that implement SQLData. Implementation of SQLData interface consists of three coding methods. The first, getSQLTypeName () must return the full name of the UDT, as it exists in the database. The second, readSQL (), read your attributes class SQLInput a stream in the order in which they exist in the UDT. The third, writeSQL (), writes the values of your class attributes on the SQLOutput flows in order of output in the UDT.

Download JDBC Pocket Reference

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